3 Ways to Make an Amazon Short URL Link

You’ve just published your first book on Amazon. You can see it there in the store when you search for your title. It’s a book that people can buy, right now, if only they knew how to get there!

You could tell them:

“Go to Amazon, search for ‘mighty woodchucks in space’ and it’ll come right up!”

Or you could share with them the URL that’s sitting in your address bar. You know, something like this:


Or you could share something short and sweet:


Or you could give them a catchy short link like this:


2 Ways to the Slightly Cryptic Short Link (amzn.com/B00C7C6702)

Way #1

On every product page on Amazon, there will be a little share widget. I have seen this appear in a couple of different locations, but look for it somewhere above the customer reviews. It may be in the sidebar on the right under the various ‘buy it now!’ buttons. It will say ‘Share’ with 4 different icons – Email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.

Click on ‘Share’ or the Email icon. A window should pop up prompting you to share it. Look for where it says ‘Link’. There’s your link! Just copy […]